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Time to practice all you have learnt through the game: GUESS WHO.

In pairs, you will need to think about one of the characters shown and his/her clothes. The other player will have to guess who are you thinking of by making yes/no questions. 

guess whoo.PNG

2. Play this game in pairs: guess who online

3. Listen to this jazz chant

These are my blue jeans

That is my shirt.

This red shirt? No, that brown shirt.

Those are my shoes.

These brown shoes?

No, those black shoes.

This is my jacket.

That green jacket?

No, this blue jacket.

That is my t-shirt.

This white t-shirt? No, that red t-shirt.

These are my jeans.

Those black jeans?

No, these blue jeans.

Those are my shorts.

These green shorts?

No, those white shorts.

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